Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fated to love you ~ Episode 6 Review

Oh my God give me the next episode already!!!
This show is so good! I never thought that I would like something like this, I don't know if its the acting, story-line, the direction or the actors who are playing the characters but there's something unique and different about this show that makes me keep coming back again and again. If I would not have been watching it and If it would have been recommended to me by someone I probably wouldn't have given it a chance because the plot is obvious, like I mentioned in previous post that I've seen many shows like this and no one has really captured my heart the way fated has done. There are many things that might have not appealed to me if I would have just the read reviews before starting the show, like Gun's maniacal laugh, Mi-young's character these are the things that will probably not be really understood by anyone unless they watch the show so I probably would have skipped this one unbeknownst that this is so different and unique in its own way.

This post is dedicated to Gun because we got to see so many different shades of him in this episode. I loved him, we see how he's dealing with everything: his conflicting emotions, his confusion, anger and jealousy we got to see all that in this episode. We already know that Gun cares about mi-young but that little misunderstanding caused a rift between these two, Gun now has warmed up to mi-young in this episode. 
There was too much cuteness in this episode for me to handle. I loved that scene when gun is thinking about what Daniel said regarding helping mi-young. He gets so annoyed that Daniel offered himself to help mi-young, he says to himself "why would she need your help she has a husband." LMAO epic I love that line. 

Can we please take a moment and appreciate the cuteness of the scene when gun takes a selfie. Gaaah that was over the top cuteness. I was totally not expecting this I thought he would just caress her face, maybe remove the few strands of hair that would be on her face this is what would have happened if this was any normal show but this is fated to love you and its not any other show. 

I was pleasantly surprised when gun takes out his cell phone and takes a pic of him and sleeping mi-young. Too stinking cute omg. 

The only drawback was the hideous coat gun was wearing. Omg what's with orange coat seriously? Any other colors would have been fine but orange! Smh

 Also the part when Gun takes off the samiplast that Daniel puts on mi-young's arm and instead puts on the other one.. He then tears the samiplast and thorws it away. LMAO his jealousy was showing. He can't even tolerate the tiny samiplast that Daniel gave. 
But one thing I don't understand is how Gun not knows about Daniel. His grandmother seems to be very well acquainted with him! Writers please explain this and writers also need to understand that mi-young is pregnant and she can't run around in heels and dance or jump. 

I loved how Gun was with mi-young's mum. Don't know if it was terror of facing mummy's wrath or something else but being at that party and entertaining all the country women was a sweet action on his part. 

Unlike the prenatal classes nobody actually forced him to be here. The decision of being at the party was entirely his own and that's what I love about this show the characters don't take 180 degrees turn overnight. They are perfectly balanced. When Gun was being a Dick to mi-young he actually never did anything that would make me think that its out of character. 

Mommy mi-young is so impressed by her son-in-law that she asks him to call her mother and that he's her son now. 

Gun was very affected by this, I thought he might cry any moment. Very sweet moment between Gun and his mother in law. 

The washroom scene when gun dries her up...that was definitely an awww moment and also the when they are at the prenatal classes and Gun sews the baby's dress.

I love all these little moment between Gun and mi-young. They are cute, funny, real and natural but most of all they are not repetitive or boring. 

I am absolutely in love with JangNaRa. She's so tiny and innocent and so so wonderful in her acting. JangNaRa is one of the reason why I love mi-young's character so much. I want to hug her, kiss her, wipe away her tears and make her smile when she's sad. She's way too kind but not a stupid kind of kind. Not the one which would make me bang my head in the wall. And gun's maniac laugh doesn't seem maniac anymore. I can't help but laugh along with him.

 In the last scene when she learns that Gun has sold the island. Her sadeness and tears just break my heart.

 Mi-young: “I… truly thought that person was a good person. He could have turned me and the baby away, but he didn’t… And he did everything he could for the people in my hometown. So perhaps… perhaps… I thought he could be someone the baby needs more than myself. But now… I don’t know what kind of person he is.”

Daniel Is there though to listen to her like he always is but don't you all think that he went too far in trying to prove a point? I mean he hugged her right infront of her husband. 

If there's one thing that I would marry from this drama would be the ost. Its so so damn good! I can't help but listen to it the whole day!! 

That island matter is the thing that mi-young can not take lightly. She's very angry at Gun, we see in the precap that she's giving Gun a cold shoulder, gun on the other hand is trying to make up to her. Daniel is trying to make him jealous..oooh things are heating up. Wednesday needs to come soon. Oh and wait sera is coming back as well!! Bring on the drama.

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