Friday, July 18, 2014

Fated to love you ~ Episode 5 Review

Every week I desperately wait for the new episode of fated and very week till now I've never been dissapointed with what I see. This show just keeps getting better and better and I fucking pray to the K drama God that It continues to be that way. 
When I saw the precap of this episode in the last week's episode I started to have doubts but I never discussed my fears in the post of the last episode I know. I knew that now Mi-young and Gun will play house, What I thought was that we will see the typical fall in love after marriage kind of thing and I've seen lots of shows like that and I've never been perfectly happy with any of it. So with fated also I was expecting the same thing but I was pleasently surprised that while watching the episode I didn't feel that I was watching the same old "Fall in love after forced marriage" kind of story. I love the interaction between Mi-young and Gun, I loved all their scenes in-fact, It didn't looked repitetive or boring to me, which I was very sure it will. I was also hoping that we will see Gun being a real dick to Mi-young but again I was pleasently surprised that it was not the like that. In-fact he was very sweet with her as he could be to a woman he does not love. He was not mean or rude to her, he didn't insulted her or degraded her, he didn't ridicule her. If he would have done all those things It would have been so out of character because Gun has always been sweet to her helping her, taking care of her, being undersatnding and supportive towards her so this sudden dislikeness towards her would have bothered me a lot.

I loved how he asked her to take the bed but he didn't forced her when she denied so that's understandable 

And also when he finds he hiding her underneath the table - that scene was hilarious by the way - he asks her to be out of his way and they will pretend that they don't live together.

All these things he was doing to make himself tell again and again that he should hate her because he believes that she tricked him. Remember in the last episode we saw him saying that such innocent face but so much evilness and wickedness behind that so Gun here is just trying to protect himself being expoited again by Mi-young.
The only that kind of little bit annoyed me was when he brings the divorce paper I was like really?Really?
The whole purpose of you two getting married was for the baby and now you will get divorced after the baby is born! So what's the point? The baby will need his father after he is born, not now. If Mi-young would eventually has to raise her son/daughter alone then what's the point of all this drama? Its just like the writers are giving Gun the ultimatum of nine months. You have nine months to fall in love mi-young, Gun..if not then get divorced.

When Gun presents divorce papers to Mi-young, I was so angry and sad at the same. Angry because Gun thinks that this whole marriage thing is a joke instead of really trying to work this relationship he's alreadys planning a divorce, Just one day into the marriage. And over there Mi-young is so dedicated towards this marriage. Mi-young surely doesn't deserved to be treated like this and sad because the look on Mi-young's face was just heart-breaking. She had tears welled up in her eyes and she looked so sad as if someone had killed her puppy. I was happy though that she replied back to Gun and told him how she feels about this.

Mi-young: “It was the first time this many people needed me… and the first time they blessed me. And I was grateful to you. You showed up and helped me whenever I was going through hard or difficult times… I was grateful because I thought that was sincere. And I felt relieved that you were the baby’s father. So… I truly wanted to follow you and married you.”

There were many scenes where I felt that Gun looks ashamed of his actions. When he overhears the conversation between Mi-young and her mother. 

And also during the scene when granny wang explains to her that he should treat Mi-young well. That was one of my favorite scenes. I loved how granny wang gave Gun his father's example to make gun realize that he is wrong. Gun got angry and bitter when granny compares him to see his father he tells her that he is not like him; Meaning that he is not a cheater and he will never be unfaithful to mi-young. 
Yaaay for granny for brining his dad into the coversation and making Gun realize that how wrong he is being to Mi-young
Gun: “Don’t compare me to Father.”

If I had to choose my favorite character from this show other than Mi-young, then it will be chairman wang and Mi-young hands down. 
I fucking LOOOOOOOVE mama Mi-young! She's so fucking badass. When she's talking with mi-young on the phone her concern for her daughter warms my heart. I love how she asks her again and again that how she's being treated their and I loved how she said to Mi-young that she has a strong mother over here and she will break everyone's face who treats her wrongly. D'awww

Mi-young's mum: "You have no background or money, but you have your mother!"

There is another one when Mi-young enters her bedroom and we see the flashback scene of her and her mother talking.
Mi-young's mum: Put it where you can see it well, and stick together like these ducks. Live happy and well okay? If your husband and anyone else bothers you, don't hold it in and call your mom right away okay? Even if there aren't any boats leaving boats leaving this island, I will fly over there and beat them to death. 

I love the mothers and grandmothers of this show! Loved how Chairman wang fake faints to send Mi-young and Gun to attend pre-natal classes. Gun knows that she's being fake ill and she's doing all this to make him go but he still compiles with her wishes. Aww

And that scene when they attend the pre-natal class, was so so fucking hilarious!! OMFG I was laughing so hard, I thought I must just pee in my pants. 
Especially the part when the teacher asks Gun to touch Mi-youngs boobs! OH MY GOD it was so so so funny.

LMAO just epic.
Gun is so traumatized by the whole thing that he refuses to attend anymore classes LOL

I don't know what's the deal with deal with daniel. Does he thinks that Mi-young is his long lost sister or he is starting to develop romantic feelings towards her? I am going with the latter. I don't want that to happen but hey what's a K-drama without a love triangle?

The scene between him and Mi-young when she's helping him with the cafe is cute though. Also the whole recording of Gun and sera. The whole thing was so natural and real and Gun was so himself infront of sera, with mi-young he is so rigid and stiff. I can't wait for the day when he gets as comfortable with Mi-young as he was with sera and I love to see them goof around the same way.

The episode ends when Gun sees Mi-young and daniel together and Daniel comes to know that Mi-young is actually Gun's wife.

I can't wait to see tonight's episode. Love me some jealous Gun.

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