Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fated to love you ~ Episode 8 Review

The first half of the episode was filled with fun moments and the in second half we got to see our precious OTP cry, which made me cry. I had to keep kleenex beside me because I was an emotional wreck, first I cried for Gun and then Mi-young and then I cried happy tears for both. Its amazing how this show brings out all kind of different emotions in me. 
For everyone who were being anxious that wether they will kiss or no I am assuming you all must be happy, I mean I know they didn't kissed but they hugged at least. It was not a dream or imagination like some people were fearing out to be and hugs are more intimate than kisses in my opinion. Just saying.
Nevertheless it was fun seeing Gun squirm a little, it was very difficult for him to control obviously there's a pretty woman besides him in the bed so don't worry Gun we understand. 

At this point the poor guy must be thinking that sofa was much better than this bed, the far the better you know. LMAO
I loved how he questioned himself over here that how is Mi-young sleeping so peacefully while he is going through torture, well Gun I'd suggest you should just go and take a cold shower...oops 

Some comments on viki were hilarious during this part. One particular comment said that he's pulling edward cullen stunt there. LMAO 

I loved the race between Gun and daniel. I loved how they were bickering back and forth.
Gun: "Just give up."
Daniel: "There’s no such thing as ‘giving up’ in my dictionary.” 
Gun: “I’ll buy you a new dictionary!” Hahaha.

The cutest moment in the episode was when Mi-young and Gun have lunch together. Gun promises her to take her wherever she wants to go and they go to some place where the serve  fish. Poor Gun like a good husband took his pregnant wife over there, even though he couldn't bear the smell of that place. He put cotton balls in his nose and covered it with his hands because the place stinked with the smell of the fish. HAHA I would have done the same things Gun, not a big fan of sea food. 
Mi-young tries to make him eat some fish but he refuses it. 

The cutest part was when Mi-young asks him that whether he has decided on any name nick names for the fetus? Mi-young tells him the name that she had thought, Gun is completely against that name "Keddongie" which kinda translates to "Dog poop" Gun refuses to call his son 'Dog poop' LOL 
Thank God its  a nick name and not an actual name. 
Another cute little momet was they reach the office of Gun and before getting of the car Gun says to his baby "Keddongie, I’m leaving!"  Awww how cute is that. He's such a wonderful father already. Can't imagine what he will do when the baby is born. d'awww

Since Mi-young has come to drop Gun. He decides to show her his office.
When they enter the office and Mi-young stands far behind and pretends that they are strangers. I love how Gun gently says to her "Kim Mi-young, you’re not a post-it anymore. Don’t hide behind me, and walk proudly next to me.”

Gun has always been such a source of strenght for her, he's always there to boost up her confidence. He's always there to support her, take care for her and help her. How perfect he is? Oh man I need a man like that in my life right now.
And not only that, considering the circumstances in which they got married Gun has been nothing but sweet to her and to her family as well. When ever he call Mi-young's mum 'omma' My heart just soars with happiness and love. I love the bond between Gun and Mi-young's mum.

In this episode Mi-young's Mum gets hospitalized and as soon as Gun learns about that, he goes to see her. He rushes inside the hospital room crying 'omma, omma' To be quite honest I got confused over there for a sec since Gun's parents are dead I was wondering who he is reffering to as omma, completely forgot that he calls Mi-young mum 'omma' LOL
Anyway Mi-young also arrives at the hospital and we learn that her mum has got gallstones, No big deal right? Wrong. People can die of gallstones, personal experience here speaking. So Mi-young's worry for her mum was understandable.

The car scene between the Mi-young and Gun on return from the hospital was hilarious. There is a awkward silence between both of them, then Gun turns on the radio in order to make things less awkward but radio programs are all about relationship and cheating etc and then Gun finally finds a decent music station but his bad luck since that station was playing the song "que sera sera" ROFL 
Gun gets so annoyed that he starts to hit the radio. hahaha 

Like I said above our OTP had their fair share of angst in this episode. Their new relationship starts to face challenges and ups and downs since SeRa is back in K town. Yep surprise. Se Ra is back!

When Gun is showing Mi-young his office he finds sera sitting there. He is already to tell her about Mi-young but she stops him and refers to her as the chariman wang's secretary. I hated when Mi-young did that, she should have let Gun deal with sera since that's his headache. Mi-young is not the only one responsible for this situation Gun is to blame as well. The marriage decision was done consciously on both their parts so Mi-young taking all the blame for marriage and a baby is not right.
Anyway Gun is unable tell Sera about his marriage and spends the whole day with her though his heart is not in this.

I can totally understand Gun's dilemma, it is not easy to let go the 6 years relationship he had with her. He always loved her truly, it was sera who took him for granted.

But I am very proud of the fact that he took up courage and told sera about his marriage later in the episode. 

Gun tells her about his marriage and also that he is about to become a father.

Gun: “I’m having a baby. That woman… she’s the mother of my child.”

Sera is obvioulsy devasted and shocked to hear this news and so is our dear Gun at ending all things with sera. It hurt me to see both Gun and Mi-young hurt like this. 
For Gun its a good-bye to his 6 years relationship with a woman he considered his soulmate. He mourns the loss of his raetionship alone, crying and watching old videos of their happies times.

Over there poor Mi-young blames her for all this and is as sad and Gun.

I was not at all angry at Gun for ignoring Mi-young the other day. He is obvioulsy very hurt and that's just his way of dealing with heartbreak and honeslty I wouldn't even had been mad if Gun would have blamed Mi-young for all this because in reality Gun had to give up a lot for their baby's sake unlike Mi-young who didn't really lose anything in all this. 
I am so proud of Gun for being a real man and dealing with all this like a pro. Like I said in my previous post that Gun is the type who faces everything, he's not the one to runs away like cowards. 

In the last scene chairman wang takes Mi-young to take a charity party and officially introduces her as her grand-daughter-in-law. Poor Mi-young has to be the target of people's talk at that party, since rumour have spread that she's a gold digger and tricked Gun to marry him just for his money. 

Sera's bitch of a friend throws drink at her face. My heart just broke into million pieces for Mi-young.
why do people have to be so cruel to others. What sick satisfication do they get in hurting others. Don't they have any empathy?

As if that's not enough humiliations for Mi-young for one day lawyer min decides to further embarras her by saying hateful things about her at the podium.

And as lawyer Min is saying rubbish about Mi-young, Guess who comes and saves our damsel in distress once again? Its our prince charming Gun.

He takes the microphone and says such sweet words about our princess that for one second I seriously envy Mi-young for having a perfect husband, who is too good to be true.

Gun: “There’s one thing you all don’t know about her, though: That woman is… a very strange woman, After living together, there’s this peculiar reversal about her. The more you look at her, the prettier she becomes. It’d be boring if she was just pretty, but on top of that, she’s cute, adorable, and extremely kind. Because I’m so sorry to know such a strange woman all to myself, I’m going to say it here in person.”

“But that woman… she really knows how to be sincere to others. And that woman takes good care of someone who’s hurting and knows how to sympathize with them. So she might be plain, but she’s very special and precious—my lovely wife, Kim Mi-young. Everyone, I introduce you to that Kim Mi-young.”

After he is done with his speech he comes close to her and winks at her! HE WINKS AT HER!!!
GAAAAAAH be still my beating heart!! I can hardly breathe!! 
My feels just have gone haywire and my heart just starts doing somersaults but our dear Gun seems like a very determined man today and he doesn't want this evening  to go waste.
After leaving the gathering he takes her somewhere else where they dance and not only that he also arranges fireworks for her!!
Nope I am perfectly fine and this grand gestures of Gun does nothing to me!!!

And he says such sweet words to her again that I am also crying along with Mi-young.

Gun: "I gave you a hard time, Didn't I? I wasn't avoiding you because I hate you. I felt sorry for you until I was ready. Thank you for waiting for me. And....for being with me now."

This scene seems like its been taken straight from a disney movie. Too perfect to be true. *Sigh*

I also loved how secretary tak was looking lovingly at Gun and Mi-young and was weeping tears of joy at their love for their each other, suffice to say that I was doing the same thing behind my laptop screen. 

The episode ends at Mi-young sitting infront of daniel and saying to him.

Mi-young: “The better he treats me, the more afraid I become. The better he treated me, the more he made efforts for my sake… the more afraid I became. That I might depend on him too much… that he might be mistaken in liking me. That, on the day we promised, I might not be able to send him away.”

That dialogue of her makes me afraid for the furture. What trials and tribulations do they have to face to get their happily ever after?

Now I un-itentionally read some spoilers which I would like to talk about in the end. If you have watched the taiwanese version or if you want to get spoiled you may read further but if you don't want to get spoiled then I'd suggest you stop here.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Fated to love you ~ Episode 7 Review

You know you are obsessed with a show when you stay up till 4am to wait for the subbed version to be uploaded because the thought of waiting till morning to watch the show seems too long and that's exactly what I did last night. I was continuously refreshing the good drama website to see if they've uploaded the show and it was no sooner than 4am that they uploaded and of-course there was no way I would not watch the show now. 
What a delight those 40 minutes were. This episode was hilariously epic, it made me laugh out so loud that I thought that my whole family might wake up and it was so adorable and cute that I was turned into a puddle of goo. I had a wide smile the whole while I was watching the show and if I didn't love Gun before I sure as hell am head over heels in love with him now Even the characters like Daniel and Gun's stepmother are fun to watch and are very entertaining. 

Many important things happened in this episode.

1) Mi-young learns that Daniel is not a priest. 

2) Gun finally decides to end this sera chapter once and for all. He decides go to NewYork and tell sera in person about his marriage but I guess its too late for that sera will return to Korea sooner than expected. 

3) The misunderstanding between Gun and mi-young gets cleared up and mi-young learns that Gun is actually building a community center at the island. 

I loved how Gun said this to Mi-young : "While you are with me, you can lean on me. My shoulders are broader than they appear. They are capable of supporting you."
Aww who knew he could be this sweet. 

You know the thing I like about Gun is that he is not the one who runs away from his responsibilites. When he and Mi-young slept together - after the misunderstandings were cleared up - he never blamed her for that. He reazlized that they were both to blame for that, Gun was as much responsible for the one night stand as Mi-young was and after Mi-young gets pregnant. He accepted that and married her. He had never once backed down from his duties. He's the type who faces the problem rather than away running from it. 

4) Mi-jae has a baby boy!!! Hallelujah!! The whole delivery scene was some hilarious shit but someone please tell me how does Gun know about delivering babies. How?

 5) The name of Daniels is sister Kim Mi-young but is that our Kim Mi-young? I haven't seen the Taiwanese version but I've heard that Daniel's character falls for mi-young so she can't be her sister obviously but in this version so far it doesn't seem like Daniel is romantically interested in mi-young. He says in this episode that she should see him as a brother and he will always be there for her like a brother. So is mi-young really his long lost sister? If not will she be his love interest? Is sera his sister? Whatever is the case I am excited to see what the writers have in store for us regarding this. 

That pretty much sums up the whole episode. Other than there was too much cute between our OTP. Too too toooo much cute for me to handle. Their chemistry together is insane and they are so sweet together I might as well get diabetes from all the sweetness 

Gun has definitely fallen for Mi-young hard! We saw how the poor guy couldn't take it when Mi-young left to go to the island! LMAO It was so funny wathcing him trying to pretend that he doesn't care that Mi-young has gone but the poor guy was going through torture.

And the scene where he's reading to his baby is just Gaaaah!! and also when he brings cake for her was so sweet of him I thought he might be angry with her because daniel hugged her but instead he was worried for her! He kept thinking of her and wondered what has happened to make her upset

When Mi-young takes Daniel's advice and returns home. Gun tells her that how worried he was for her, that shows he cares for her more than he realizes and whenever he refers to his son/daughter as their 23rd generation, I am crying tears of happiness and laughter over here. Why they have to so cute couple and parents and play with my heart like this! 

The scene where they both have morning sickness was hilarious, I was laughing my butt off!! It was so funny when Gun's stepmom opens the fridge and Gun and Mi-young both get nauseated and are ready to vomit LMAO and Grandma is over the moon that both his grandson and grand-daughter in law are having morning sickeness.

And the cutest scene of the whole episode was when Mi-young's sister and her husband come over to their house and how Mi-young and Gun are being lovey, dovey infront of them 

If this is how they are gonna be whenever Mi-young's family comes over I want them to come and stay with them permanently! 

And in the ending scene they both sleep on the same bed after Gun fakes his back-ache their sexual chemistry was sizzling and it is hard for Gun to control himself and he turns his face towards Mi-young leans in for a kiss and the episode ends there and MBC DIDN'T EVEN SHOW A PREVEIW!!! GAAAAAH 
The wait for the next episode is a torture! 

Will they kiss or no? That's the big question.
What I think is that they may not kiss, I don't think the writers will make them so ealry. There are still so many things to consider before they become romantic towards each other. We still have sera to deal with! And she's coming back in the next episode. Or maybe I am wrong maybe they will kiss and then sera will come to cause trouble in their paradise. Gun might be faced with the dilemma to choose between sera and mi-young. Whatever it is lets see how the directors protray the whole thing. All I know the fun good times for our couple are ending and its now time to face the real challenges. Bring on the drama LOL. 

The scenes between Gun and mi-young's mum just warms my heart!! Whenever he calls her omma my heart bursts with happiness 

Gun gets to hold mi-jae's son. Oh my God, cuteness personified. 

I love how mi-ja tells her mother that now she understands the pain she must have endured to give birth to them. Epic 
The whole delivery scene was helluva funny. I was laughing so hard that my belly and cheeks started to hurt. Mi-ja's husband faints after her checks if he could see the baby's head or no. And when mi-ja asks him to not get married again. If she dies he should raise the baby alone. LMAO.

 Episode 7 is definitely my favorite episode of the show so far. I hope they continue to entertain us just like that.
Usually by the 7th episode I get to know that if a show is worth my time or is it a complete waste. Even if a show starts really really good by 7th episode the fate of the show is decided..some go downwards from there and very few continue to rise upwards and fated to love you is among those very few who continues to rise upwards. Every episode brings something unique and different. The chemistry between both the jangs is amazeballs. The story line, scenes, humour, Ost is top notch.