I have been a Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart since the last 5 years. I fell in love with them after the release of new moon, in early 2010 and ever since then i have been a part of this fandom. I am proud to say that i have never once left this fandom and i don't plan to either. I don't know what the future holds but i know this for sure that i will always love these two kids forever.
It has been such a wonderful journey and in this post i decided to back in time and post some of my all time favorite fan made videos of robert and kristen. As soon as i discovered these two wonderful actors i started watching their videos on YouTube and it played a major role in my falling in love with them and overtime i have discovered some of the greatest video makers of this fandom..sadly most of them have left the fandom and those who haven't don't post much but nevertheless i thank them for their wonderful contribution.
and here they are in no particular order
This one is by all time favorite video-maker Honeybuzy. She's not active in the fandom now. Don't really know what happened i guess real life gets in the way eh?
This one is the very first video i watched and i remember i was so obsessed with it that i re-watched it gazillion time. Everything from songs to editing etc is just perfect and even now when i watch it brings back the old feels. Oh those good times of new moon promo
go check out HoneyBuzy's channel on YouTube guys she has only 28 videos but they are so good
Another one by Honeybuzy. Its a 15 min long video about the their journey from the beginning. This will sure make you cry happy tears. Honeybuzy has truly captured the love r/k have for each other wonderfully
This is the very first video of diandra's that i watched and i have watched every video of hers since then. Seriously she is so wonderful.
Diandra is not active much either and i don't think she posts anymore. Here's her YouTube channel My time all time favorite are among her 75 videos. She and I also share our mutual love for Kpop
This is another cute video by diandra.
If this doesn't make you smile i don't know what will.
I did had very difficult time choosing my favorite libenet video because everything she makes is extra ordinary
and did i tell you how much i adore her. She is not only an amazing video maker but she is a wonderful person as well. She is not in the fandom anymore and as much as i was sad to see her go i will not judge her on that. I am lucky to know her outside the fandom and i will forever be grateful to her for making this robsten journey 10x better for me with her out of this world videos.
I did had very difficult time choosing my favorite libenet video because everything she makes is extra ordinary
and did i tell you how much i adore her. She is not only an amazing video maker but she is a wonderful person as well. She is not in the fandom anymore and as much as i was sad to see her go i will not judge her on that. I am lucky to know her outside the fandom and i will forever be grateful to her for making this robsten journey 10x better for me with her out of this world videos.
I love you Lib
In this video lib has compared the legendary Newman/Woodward & Rob/Kristen. The similarities between both these couple is uncanny, funny how i never noticed before. I love how lib came up with this unique concept . This is far by my most favorite video.
This video was in response to the 12 Kristen hate messages that she received. Lib has wonderfully told everyone through this video how Kristen is misunderstood and hated without any reason. I totally love this video its a wonderful message for the haters out there.
Libenet has 70 videos on her YouTube channel . They are all wonderful.
Among the ones who are still active in this fandom i really really love Robstenville. Her mirrors video is so so beautiful
Check out her channel on YouTube she has really great videos.
Fiorels is an absolutely amazing video maker..her editing is perfect and the songs are awesome.
I really love all her videos but this one stands out the most
her channel on youtube.
and now last but the not the least Melg i love how much she has faith in rob and kristen and how much she believes in both of them. Her videos truly capture the love robsten have for each other
for more amazing videos check out her channel
I am sure there are lots of other great video makers out there these were just some of my favorites.
That's it for now. Byeee guys
spend your time loving what you love instead of bashing what you hate
Have a great Sunday.